March 9, 2009


I just got tagged by my amazing sister-in-law and namesake, Ashley! :) So, here are 5 things you might wanna know about me!

5 Things I like about you (Ashley H):
You always dress so dang cute! I love stealing cute wardrobe ideas from you :)
2. You're always so much fun to be around and make me laugh
3. We can talk about Twilight like it's nobody's business all the live-day-long :)
4. You're an awesome friend and sister and you are a great representative of the Ashley Henry name. :)
5. You make my brother so happy and that, in turn, makes me so happy! Love you Ash!

5 Things I was doing 5 years ago:

1. Getting my license
2. Trying out for 10th Avenue
3. Attending PHS
4. Finally dating, since I was 16 :)
5. Doing Track & Field

5 Things on my to do list for today:
Well, since it's almost the end of the day, I'll list my to-do's for tomorrow
1. Read the Visiting Teaching Message
2. Go tanning at Panache! ($30 for a month of unlimited tans. . . oh yeah!)
3. Make some more wheat bread and jam for my v.t. sisters
4. Go running
5. Enjoy time with my husband! I have to store up time now, because when summer hits, I will most likely never see him. :)

5 Things I would do with a million dollars:
1. Buy an Acadia, mine and Dallin's new favorite SUV!
2. Put money away for our future kids
3. Take a SWEET vacation with Dallin
4. Take a SWEET vacation with Dallin and both our families :)
5. Go on a serious shopping spree. I love shopping. :)

5 Places I have lived:
I haven't lived in 5 places. . . My life is so boring! I guess I will list where I have lived though.
1. Pasco, WA
2. Rexburg, ID
3. Edison, NJ (with Tara and David for a month one summer)

5 Jobs I have held:
Man, I don't think I have worked in 5 jobs either. That's pathetic.
1. Bindery worker for my Dad
2. Dental assistant
3. Nanny

5 Things I want to be doing in 5 Years:
1. Have my degree in something
2. Have a mini-me or mini-dallin
3. Learn to play the piano
4. Be fit and active
5. Own our own business

5 People I tag (Or anyone else who has the inner desire to do this):
Tiffani H.
2. Rachel H.
3. Karen J.
4. Jan B.
5. Elise T.


Heather said...

Getting your license? It seems like that was forever ago... aren't you 28 yet?

tharker said...

Your enthusiasm for life is so dang infectious, Ashley. Even all the way down there in ID. I love this about you! (always have)

Thanks for the tag. I'll have to give this one a shot.

ashley said...

Thanks for the love Ash, it was so cool to read about some of your hopes, dreams, and (wishes)! Unless you really do inherit a million bucks and then I will be holding you to that SWEET vacation :)

calawayfamily said...

Oh Ashley i cant wait to see you guys in april its going to be so much fun this summer