Do you ever feel you have some gray areas in the gospel? Things that aren't clearly defined? Something that could potentially be good or bad, you're just not sure which? Am I making ANY sense?! I have a little gray area in my life right now that I am just not sure about. Granted, this isn't a big issue and I don't think it will exclude me from eternal life, but for me, right now, it's kind of a big deal.
Leggings. Leggings with short dresses. Leggings with tunics. Is it bad? Or is it ok? I am totally eating my words right now, because when the legging trend started, I remember thinking, "that is the DUMBEST thing I have ever seen. I will NEVER be caught dead in leggings." Never say never in the fashion world, Ash. I remember I also said never to skinny jeans. Guess who owns a pair? But I digress.
BYU-Idaho won't let you wear leggings with a short skirt or dress (not sure what their policy is on tunics) on campus so I kind of took that as a shove in the direction of what I should make my policy. But I have seen tons of women (young and old) who are totally strong in the gospel, no problems with their testimonies, wearing leggings. So it can't be bad right?!
I talked to Dallin about it last night. When I first told him how I have been really wanting to try out the legging look, his eyes lit up and he nodded very quickly saying, "yes, yes, you really should try it." I think he's a fan, huh? Then I told him of my little moral dilemma.
"But is it considered immodest? Will people look down on me because I am wearing that?"
He said he couldn't answer that question. Instead, he posed a thought provoking question to me. "Where will it lead?"
"Where will what lead?" I asked.
"Where will you wearing leggings lead? Will it lead you in a positive direction? Or will it cause you to second guess modesty? Will it cause others to look at you inappropriately? And then where could that lead?" He replied.
I love that my husband asks those hard, thought provoking questions. I just sat and thought about it. I didn't give an answer, because I am still feeling like I am in the gray.
Disclaimer: If you wear leggings, do not for one second think that I will ever, ever judge you based on that. I will be the last person to ever judge because of something as silly as that. Like I said, I think it's such a cute style. I am just personally trying to figure out where I stand on the matter. So please, feel free to wear whatever you want to around me and know that I will never pass a judgment. (I just might covet your style, however.)
So I am opening this one up to you, readers. Tell me what you think. Have the Brethren come out with anything about leggings? Has the General Young Womens Presidency come out with anything? Do you have an opinion? Am I just a silly girl that is really over thinking this current "issue" in my life? Wait, I'll answer that. YES. But really, I want to know thoughts and opinions about this, so spill all, my dear readers. I would ask that you please be courteous and kind in your remarks and in response to others remarks. We're all friends here. :)
I just want you all to know, I value modesty. I always have. It's been ingrained in me ever since I was a little girl. I have a testimony of the power of modesty too. It gets hard in this day and age to find things that are modest and appropriate, but we are so blessed when we do dress modestly. So help a girl out. Help her figure out this gray area of her life so she can move on to more important things. :)